Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

Oct 13, 2009

I'm 10 days away from flying to Vancouver, and 12 days away from my Emirates reassessment. I'm really crossing my fingers and even my toes at this point, because the journey hasn't come without sacrifice. Attending these interviews have meant flying to Vancouver and back 3 times at my own expense. Along with the costs of flights come accommodations, meals, transportation to and from the airport, professional photos and purchasing appropriate interview attire. Chasing dreams isn't always cheap. I've sacrificed a well paying, professional job because the training schedule conflicted with the interview date. I'm currently job hunting with the knowledge that I won't likely be able to match my salary.

If everything goes well and my determination pays off, I'll likely move to Dubai before the end of the year. Originally I wondered how I could leave Ryan, but as I get closer to the interview he has began researching international employment himself. He has the experience and education to find a great job anywhere in the world. I think that leaving would be easier if he was working abroad as well. I'm glad that my chance at a dream has inspired him to look at his career options and I hope that he'll pursue something that he loves doing. We've discussed long distance relationships and agreed that it's worth a try. I know that it would kill me some days, but I envision airport reunions and I know that if we can survive the long distance battle, it will be more than worth it. If I don't get the job, I'll admit that I'll be a bit upset. Not to say that I can't try again, but it's been nearly 10 months of high hopes. At the same time, not getting the job means staying here, with my boyfriend. I swore that I'd never be the girl to let a guy interfere with my dreams. Nothing could stand between me and the goals that I set for myself. I suppose that is still the case, seeing as how I plan to move to Dubai if given the opportunity. However, I would do so with slight hesitation. I didn't plan on falling this hard for somebody when I first decided that I would like to work for an international airline.
Life is good. All in all, I'm happy and content with everything. I'm nervous yet excited for the interview, and hopeful despite the heartbreak that will come with moving away. Not only do I have an incredible boyfriend here, but I've got amazing friends and family that I've already had to say goodbye to once. We have grown up together and it seems like more of them are getting married or having babies with each passing month. I'm well aware of the fact that life will be very different when and if I return to my home town. I'd miss out on many important events, and maybe grow apart from people who I care a lot about. Sadly, that's life. This is the path that I've chosen and I'm so lucky to have such amazing people in my life who support my dreams even if those dreams involve leaving them behind.


Justin said...

How much salary did you give up for this job?

Julie said...

I've got my fingers crossed for you. When will you know if you got the job?

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