bored on reserve

Jan 10, 2013

Reserve. Ahhh, that ugly blemish on my schedule.  I suppose that I'm a control freak.  I'd much rather know where I'm going and when, and plan my sleep accordingly.  Sitting around waiting for a phone call, although often productive (I only clean when confined to my house) drives me a bit crazy.  
And that, my friends, has been January thus far.  Sitting, waiting, wondering what the day will bring. Clinging to my cell phone wherever I go. Waking up each morning and breathing a sigh of relief that the phone didn't ring at 4 am.  Reserve, I hate you.  
I do however quite enjoy the extra time I've spent at home without getting called out. I've wasted many hours on Facebook, Twitter, watching the Food Network (and then craving everything) and cuddling with my lazy little puppy.  
January has been very uneventful. I have lots that I could do around the house, but who wants to do that?!  I'm borderline bored out of my mind. Somebody come visit me. Bring cookies.  


Andy said...

Your puppy is so so adorable! x

Krysta said...

Thanks, I think so too! I love him! :)

SkyMommy said...

Even after all this time on furlough my sleep schedule is permanently wacked out from reserve. The time at home is nice but it's nearly impossible to totally relax and enjoy it. Hope you get an exciting trip soon!

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