Before I Was a Flight Attendant...

Oct 25, 2012

Lately all of my parent friends have been posting these "Before I was a mom..." lists, summarizing how life has changed since they have had a child. This got me thinking about my past life.  I'm not trying to compare motherhood to being a flight attendant, but let me tell you... my life before this career was a heck of a lot different than the life that I know now! I decided to create my own list, of my life before I was a flight attendant.  So here goes... 

  1. Before I was a flight attendant, sleeping in meant waking up at lunch. Now it means anything beyond 7:30 am.   
  2. Before I was a flight attendant, I'd never, ever used an iron or a steamer.  
  3. Before I was a flight attendant, I packed everything in my closet for a weekend away.  
  4. Before I was a flight attendant, I couldn't improvise. Freezing cold on a long flight? Fill up a (clean) diaper with hot water... disgusting? A little bit. Cozy and warm?  Better than a hot water bottle. 
  5. Before I was a flight attendant, I spelled my name K-R-Y-S-T-A... not Kilo Romeo Yankee Sierra Tango Alpha.  
  6. Before I was a flight attendant, I led a sheltered, untraveled life.  Now I've seen 36 countries.  
  7. Before I was a flight attendant, I had a fear of public speaking.  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard, where you have no choice.  
  8. Before I was a flight attendant, I had a few cups of coffee a week. Now I own my own espresso machine. 
  9. Before I was a flight attendant, travel was a once a year type thing.  Now it's my life.  
  10. Before I was a flight attendant, I used full names of cities rather than their airport codes.  
  11. Before I was a flight attendant, I'd never scavenge through dozens of used meal trays in hopes of finding chocolates that hadn't been consumed. 
  12. Before I was a flight attendant, I could never look at something and know automatically that it would not fit in a certain space. Now, I beg of you... check your giant suitcases, they won't fit! 
  13. Before I was a flight attendant, I'd never walked in on so many people using the washroom. There is a lock, believe it or not. 
  14. Before I was a flight attendant, I went to specific stores for specific groceries rather than foreign countries. 
  15. Before I was a flight attendant, I worked the same hours with the same people every single day.  
  16. Before I was a flight attendant, an airplane was an airplane... fuselage, ailerons, and horizontal stabilizers were all Greek to me. 
  17. Before I was a flight attendant, I'd never seen so many gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. 
  18. Before I was a flight attendant hotels were a rare novelty, not a second home.
  19. Before I was a flight attendant, I envied flight attendants and thought that they were the most glamourous people on the planet. 
  20. Before I was a flight attendant, I envisioned pilots as dreamy, attractive men.  
  21. Before I was a flight attendant, I'd never stayed awake for more than 24 hours in a row.  
  22. Before I was a flight attendant, I never had to be within a certain weight bracket for my job.  
  23. Before I was a flight attendant, I never wore high heels or lipstick. Ever. 
  24. Before I was a flight attendant, I never searched for emergency exits in large buildings or kept a fire extinguisher in my kitchen. Safety first!  
  25. Before I was a flight attendant, I never used the 24 hour clock.
  26. Before I was a flight attendant, I'd never even heard of some of the places I've now been to. 
  27. Before I was a flight attendant, my blog was a boring documentation of my Monday-Friday life, and I had approximately 3 followers.  
I could go on, and on, but I've covered the main points. I hope that my fellow cabin crew members can appreciate and agree with me on these points... please... feel free to add your own in the comments! 
Life has changed, and I would not trade it for the world.  


Robert said...

Excellent !

SquirrePower said...

Amazing! Thanks ks for sharing.

This is quite old... Are you still an fa?

I'm curious to know how you feel about your job after several years! Please, a blig update!

Thanks and love,

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